
ANOTHER MAGAZINE Issue 19 Kate Moss goes 3D

How cool it sounds? uh? I was sailing in this huge blogs/online-mgazine/more-blogs sea that is my rutin everyday lately (because I just don't have a life) & I just found this extremely beutiful video of the AnOther Magazine Issue 19 in a new blog/mag I found (visit them). This is why, and I know I have said this several times or I have even draw her, but this is why everybody likes Kate, she's just amazing in every fashion single way. The video is called KM3D-1 & as it is explained in the magazine post, is directed by Baillie Walsh who has worked with Kate for the wonderful holographic film of the Alexander McQueen's awtumn/winter 2006. So this continuation of experimental and multi-dimentional image-making work as you can see has done the first 3D fashion video, I'm lovin' it.

This is like when you see the second part of a movie you loved & you have waiting for this for so long, I am 17, at my earliest 14 was the time when fashion was coming to me & this feelling of selfexpresion with clothes as the mechanisysm of body lenguage was growing in my head, the McQueen shows that I used to watch in ftv back in the time were so inspirational, were so beutiful, that he became in one of my art heroes, I couldn't see him just as a designer, he was an artist in every single way, I think I can say now that I want to be someone like him as a person, as an artist & the Kate Moss holographic film in that show was a crucial point in my mind, it still is actually. This is the second part of that & OBVIOUSLY it had to came in the today's most advance cool, 80' & annoying thing, 3-D! Everything is 3-D lately & some of them are Idk, just bad, this one, is a work of art. Enjoy it.

Put your glasses on

Directed by: Baillie Walsh


The Dolls Factory said...

I came here from the IFB group discussion on Bloglovin, following you now.
Love your blog , lets become fashionable blogger friends , lets follow each other.

Maybe you'll be interested in the FENDI GIVEAWAY I'm having on my blog.

Anonymous said...

Great post. Can’t wait to read the next ones :)

Anonymous said...

thanks amigo! great post!